February 20, 2005
Jazz at Lincoln Center
New York, New York

About the Auction

From the horns of Parker, Mulligan, Coltrane, and Gillespie and featuring handwritten letters from Louis Armstrong to Benny Goodman's clarinet, this auction included artifacts of the highest significance. Guernsey's worked directly with the families and or estates of the most notable luminaries of the jazz world to gather this collection.

Featured Lots

For this auction, we received unparalleled items relating to the music, art, and careers of many of the biggest names in jazz. Just a few of these treasures are featured here, but even more can be found in the auction catalogue. Click here to view featured lots from this auction.

Preview Dates

February 18 – 19, 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
Session 1 at 1:00 pm
Session 2 at 6:00 pm

Jazz at Lincoln Center
Frederick P. Rose Hall
Broadway at 60th Street
New York City

For more information about Jazz at Lincoln Center and their programs, visit their website at www.jalc.org


An extensive, full-color, 192-page catalogue was printed for the Jazz Auction. All the lots were fully described with accompanying photographs and illustrations. Guernsey's enlisted the assistance of Jazz historians, educators, authors, and musicians ­ Carl Grubbs, Barry Kernfeld, Phil Schaap, and others ­ to help place many of these incredible artifacts in their proper context. Scholar and author Ashley Kahn has written an introduction to the catalogue. Securely order your copy here.

Click here to download the catalogue addendum