Lot 88

Milton Greene Signed Photograph of Marilyn Monroe presented to the movie star, 1957

Marilyn Monroe's own personal large format black and white photostat, made and signed by Milton Greene, 1957. Inscribed “Happy Birthday Best Milton” in white pencil by the photographer. Framed. Height: 40 inches x 50 inches.

This is a one-of-a-kind, large format black and white photostat of Marilyn Monroe in fishnet stockings and very little else. The image is from what is called the “Black Sitting”, a series of photographs taken by famous photographer Milton H. Greene in New York in 1956. This large format copy was made specifically for Monroe by Greene in 1957 for her revue. Green was Marilyn's business partner in Marilyn Monroe Productions from 1952-1957. Although this photostat was her own personal copy, it was left hanging in Green’s studio. At the time, Monroe’s husband Arthur Miller didn’t care for the image and didn’t want it at home. Marilyn Monroe left it to Gre
ene, and it was still in his possession and given to the consignor by Milton Greene himself in 1980.

Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000


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