•Lot 58
Elvis-Worn 14 Karat Gold Necklace, Gifted from Barron Hilton
A 14 karat solid gold bolo-style rope chain necklace, originally given to Elvis by Barron Hilton, and given to the consignor personally by Elvis after many years of friendship. The chain is a double twisted-rope and tiny open-linked chain pattern, with rounded end-caps covering fine chain fringed tassels. The elongated, hexagonal-shaped bolo-style clasp is stylized bamboo shapes, with elaborate script initials “EP” on the cross bar.
From the Certificate of Authenticity from Joe Esposito, Elvis’s road manager and friend:
Joe Esposito
El Dorado Hills, California
Letter of Authenticity
I, Joe Esposito, road manager and friend to Elvis Aaron Presley for over 17 years, hereby attest to the following information:
Barron Hilton the owner of the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel gave Elvis a beautiful Heavy Gold Rope chain necklace with a smaller gold chain woven around the large gold necklace. The small gold chain was made into a clasp. The clasp had Elvis’ initials on it. Barron Hilton gave Elvis this gift as a token of gratitude.
Elvis wore it on stage a couple of times, but found it too heavy to perform in.
In August of 1975, Elvis presented that very necklace to Kanani Seanoa (formerly Melin) at the Las Vegas Hilton as a token of their friendship. I was present at both presentations. This is the same necklace Elvis is wearing as he is walking down the Los Angeles Courthouse stairs with Priscilla at his side. The same day of their divorce. The next day the LA Times had a story about them and you can see Elvis wearing the necklace.
Joe Esposito
January 17, 2001
From the consignor:
I was one of the lead dancers and models in Hawaii, and I worked with the top names in entertainment such as Uncle Don Ho and Elvis. I originally met Elvis when I was 17 years old , through mutual friends Charlie Hodges and Larry Gellar. I was like Elvis’s family’s little sister for many years, and I was very close to his Grandma Dodger and his cousin Bobbi, who died when she was in her thirties. I was the one who sat up in a vigil with Elvis the night he was brought home to lie in state, at his Grandma's request. That night I wore the robe he left us in. I stayed in Graceland that week and sat up with Elvis's Daddy the night of the funeral and talked.
Elvis was an incredibly spiritual person and gave me some of the most important advice that has governed my life. He would take time to speak with me privately, and we would talk about life, numerology, and the Masters of the Far East. When I was 18, he told me to stay as I am, that I would be pushed in life to conform and be like everybody else but to resist and not become one of the masses. He then told me I would be so fortunate to find in my lifetime maybe (and he held up five fingers) people like myself and to treasure them. He was always very generous, and of course tried to give me money if he thought I was between performing contracts. He felt if he gave me a good talking to, I would take it. I would still argue and not accept, because he had so many people lined up to receive things from him at the end of all his engagements.
One closing night at the Hilton, he had the guys bring me in to his room to say good-by for that run. He asked me if I was going on to Graceland at that time (my mother’s name is Grace) and I said not this time, then he reached around the corner and picked up the necklace and asked what I thought of it. At the time, he was wearing a tan leather outfit and I thought the necklace went well with it, so I said so. He slipped it over my head and grabbed me in a big hug; I started crying and punched his back and said "no you don't!” He replied, "No baby, it's for a rainy day", kissed me, and told the guys to walk me to the elevator and down stairs. I had never accepted anything from Elvis before.
Later I had a white satin gown made to wear with the necklace when I went to see him -- he was very proud. He said the necklace was just too heavy and it beat the crap out of him on stage! I was in the Documentary "Elvis-25 Years", produced with Joe Esposito's help, to commemorate his leaving us 25 years before. I am wearing the necklace in it and there are some of the most important people associated with Elvis in the documentary with me. I know the necklace was a gift to Elvis from Baron Hilton of Hilton Hotels as a “thank you” for his incredible engagements at the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas: sold out performances one and all.
One of my favorite photographs is the one of me when I was 17, catching sun in the garden at Graceland. Today, that is where Elvis and his Daddy are resting -- who would ever dream this is how it would have turned out and so early.
Estimate: $250,000 - $300,000