Lot 398 Typed Reference Cards with John F. Kennedy's Handwritten Notations

Series of nine reference cards with typed notes, six of which have the President's handwritten notations on them.

  1. "Recommittal of 1962 Farm Bill (carried) 100% of the state GOP voted to recommit" Written in blue ink by Kennedy: "Telegram."
  2. "Recommital of Public Welfare Amendments Including Aid to Dependent Children (lost) 100% of the State GOP members voted to recommit." Verso contains the following handwritten notation in the hand of the President: "Oct 17 '62."
  3. "1961 Housing Act Recommittal (lost) 100% of the State GOP members voted to recommit." Underneath, written in blue ink by Kennedy: "Minimum wage 1.25."
  4. Written in the hand of Evelyn Lincoln along with a drawing of an arrow, in black ink: "Lon Harris." Verso contains numerical notations in black ink in the hand of the President.
  5. Written in blue ink by Evelyn Lincoln on the face of the card: "Ralph Vanni, Detroit, Michigan, He thinks he can be a help to you with the unions throughout the country." Also written in blue ink on the face and verso of the card are John F. Kennedy's notations.
  6. A note in black ink by Evelyn Lincoln pertaining to a message left by John McCone, Director of the CIA. Verso contains handwritten notations by the President in black ink and pencil. Good condition. Cards are yellowed and contain slight stains. 3 x 5