Lot 122 Kennedy's Speech with Handwritten Notes Nominating Stevenson for President

John F. Kennedy speech, with extensive handwritten notes, nominating Adlai Stevenson for President at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1956. Typed on onionskin paper and matted, pages feature penciled notations throughout in Kennedy's handwriting and appear on both sides of the pages. The first three pages have only minor word changes indicated in pencil, but pages four and five show extensive revisions, with whole passages crossed out and re-written in pencil by Kennedy. The final line of the typed speech has been changed from "I give you the modern 'Little Giant,' from Libertyville - ADLAI EWING STEVENSON" to "Fellow delegates, I give you the man from Libertyville-the next Democratic nominee and the next Pres. of the U.S.-ADLAI E. STEVENSON" in pencil by Kennedy. A further passage was handwritten in pencil on the verso of page five beginning "These are, as I have said, critical times - times that demand the best we have - times that demand the best America has" which was added to the final speech three paragraphs before the end.

The annotated version of the speech is stapled to a final copy for release, on which the name "Katherine Keeney" has been scribbled in pencil. A single yellow, legal pad page of penciled notes, that are also in Kennedy's hand, is stapled with the copies of the speech. Although difficult to decipher, the notes seem to be about the upcoming election. Good condition with original staple. 11x8 1/2